Chongqing UBO Electrical Equipment Company Ltd.
The fiber glass tubes cylinders covered in this specification shall be bonded with thermal class-F epoxy resin (max. operating temperature = 155˚C) and manufactured by filament winding technique
epoxy fiber glass winding cylinders is composed of continuous filaments with controlled orientation in a matrix of cured epoxy resin.
It is produced with varying angles of fiberglass filaments winding. The angles of winding can be varied to suit different applications and strength requirements.
Typically, fiberglass filaments are wound in two directions across each other and at an angle of 50-55 degree to the longitudinal axis of the tube.
epoxy fiber glass winding cylinders has good electrical insulation properties and excellent moisture resistance.
It offers excellent resistance to weather and ultraviolet rays. epoxy fiber glass winding cylinders is light and strong.
Its applications include high voltage insulators, fuse tubes, antennas, battery casings, bushings of high voltage equipment,
railroad bushings, bearings, collars, tool handles, pressure tubing, structural tubing, reverse osmosis shell and high pressure bottles.
Applications :
Tubes for Lightening Arresters.
OLTC Tanks & Hollow Shafts.
Selector Column, Switch pillars, Centering Tubes for Tap-Changers.
Fuse bodies for low & medium voltages.
End Rings/Edge Blocks for transformers 11 KV to 400 KV applications.
Properties and acceptance limits
Density: 2.0 ± 0.1 gm/cm 3
Water absorption: 0.1 % (max.)
Glass content: 70 % (min.)
Tensile strength, (1) Axial: 70 N/mm 2 (min.)
Radial: 250 N/mm 2 (min.)
Flexural strength: 71 N/mm 2 (min.)
Compression strength: 250N/mm 2 (min.)circumferentially, ⊥ to axis.
Electrical proof strength in transformer oil at 90 0 C :
Radial (across thickness):10 kV/mm
Axial: 50 kV/25mm
Circumferential: 50 kV/25mm
Insulation resistance: 10 12 Ω (min.)
Surface resistance : 3.5 * 10 12 Ω (min.)
Comparative tracking index: 300 V (min.)